8:00 – 8:15 Morning Routine
When students walk into the class they check the board and complete the tasks. Students usually read their poetry books or work on their math facts. Once the daily announcements begin, they clear their
desks. I took photos of my students completing the tasks and placed them into my smartboard display. Click HERE to check them out.
8:15 – 8:25 Calendar
The calendar person reviews the date
and number of days in school. After this, he invites students up to build the
number of the day. We use a program called What’s my place, What’s my value.
It’s a great way to build number sense and place value skills. Click HERE to
learn more about it.
8:25 Mini-lesson- I conduct a 15 minute mini-lesson related to a
particular skill or standard. I usually focus on the same idea or for an entire
Just Right Books – Teacher meets with Group 1. Students read books at their
Independent reading level. We use
Fountas and Pinnell leveling system. They keep a bag of 6 books plus any books
given to them during guided reading. The students trade their books weekly.
Interest Books – Teacher meets with Group 2. Students have a selection of
books from read. They may choose books from a book bin, library books, books
from home, or poetry books.
Literacy Centers – Teacher meets with Group 3. Students are in
heterogeneous groups and go to one center each day. The rotations are assigned
and posted on a chart at the front of the classroom.
The centers include Computers, Writing, Library, Word Work, and Games. At computers, studentsplay games practice their spelling words on SamsonsClassroom.com. I update their words weekly and they LOVE it. Students complete a page from their writing booklet at the writing center. I've been making my own prompts. Click {HERE} to see them. Students trade their books and read at the library center. The word work center is the most simple. Students rainbow write or dotty write their words. For games, I've been using Marsha McGuire's I Can Do It Myself packs. I have multiple packs and have switched the words throughout the year.
The centers include Computers, Writing, Library, Word Work, and Games. At computers, students
Sight words/ Games – Teacher meets with Group 4. Students have sight words
on a sight word ring. The cards are from Primary Graffiti’s Year-Round Homework
packet. I have also placed pages from the Moffatt Girls’ I Can Read packet in
sheet protectors. My kiddos use these in partnerships.
9:40 – 10:00 Recess (duty free)
10:00 – 10:30 ELD Deployment
All first and second grade students
deploy for ELD instruction (even the English only students). Each teacher has a
different level/group. We use a program called EL Achieve.
10:30 – 10:55 Close Reading
(Standards based instruction)
This year is my first year teaching
first grade, so I followed the district’s pacing calendar and used Houghton
Mifflin readers at the beginning of the year. After blog stalking a few
bloggers for a few months, I found more information about close reading. I’ve
used this in order to support the units of study my grade level team created. I
switch between fiction and nonfiction. I’ve found Tara West’s Close Reads to be
most detailed. Click HERE to see her packs. They are AMAZING!
10:55 – 11:10 Math Stations
11:10 – 11:40 Math
I use much of the enVision program
and sometimes supplement with my own worksheets or activities. It really
depends on the topic.
11:40 – 12:40 Lunch (duty free hour)
12:40 – 12:55 Spelling/ Phonics
Some of our spelling activities: tap
spell, crazy write, bubble blow spelling
12:55 – 1:10 Grammar
1:10 – 2:00 Writing/ Science (Units
of study)
2:00 – 2:20 P.E.
Students color their clip chart
calendars, clean their floors, and put their book bags in their backpacks.
Then, we sing the “Get” song from Heidisongs (the song is at the end of the post in the link). Each team checks their mail and gets
their backpacks. We line up, sing our goodbye song, and head out the door.
2:27 Dismissal
I tried to
give details, without going overboard. If something is unclear or you’d like to
know more, I’d be glad to share with you. Just leave me a comment.

Ahhh I LOVE the visual to dos on your SMART board!! Love love love! Thanks so much for sharing your schedule with us and for linking up!!! <33
Schroeder Shenanigans in 2nd
After reading your post, I get the sense that your day is complete and so much learning goes on! I love that you are bold enough to make your own way! I looked at the Tara West product. It looks like it is very complete with the paired text. I would love to see it in action in your room! (I am curious about your math stations. I'm always trying to tweek it to work better.)